I've started (and ended, I suppose, simply by virtue of my inactivity) three blogs prior to this one.
I could mull over why each was a more unsustainable idea than the other, but that's not why I'm here. The truth is that I enjoy writing, and I enjoy the blog format, and I have so much to say about this topic of teaching and seeking out the tangibility of education as a profession that I find myself renewed, ready to take on this challenge.
There are hundreds of teaching websites out there--- so why on Earth would I want to start another?
I've asked myself this question a few dozen times, and it comes down to this:
If I encourage my students to write every day, and tell them that their voice, their story, and their perspective is unique and valuable, shouldn't I ascribe to the same philosophy about myself?
I'll share thoughts on curriculum, organizing ideas, struggles, triumphs, life-work balance, lists, games, chants, photos, and anything else that I think is relative to the profession and it's ever-evolving nature.
I'm not interested in freebies or giveaways or profit-- but I am very interested in a community of teachers and learners who are willing to share their best practices and ideas, because I believe that is how we all get better. Which means our children learn more. Which means we are working to create a more fulfilled, educated and industrious community. And that is all very, very good.
So, for today, something simple. When teaching finally *clicked* for me (and it took almost 2 years,) I felt like I had won the lottery or been privy to something really extraordinary. Like all good things, there is magic in it, and I feel grateful every day that I have the chance to really love what I do. This song, non-religious as I am, reminds me of what teaching feels like on a good day.
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